
At the world's largest professional network, I built and implemented design tools to advance internal UX processes and communications. While designing LinkedIn Workplace’s internal SharePoint pages based on accessibility and site usage, I also offered design solutions cross-functionally.


LinkedIn Employee Webpages

To improve the user-flow and solve communication challenges, the outdated internal employee webpages presented an opportunity to take a user-centered approach. I collaborated with executives and stakeholders through design boards to implement a sustainable layout for future use. Take a look below to see my creative process from conception towards the final product (left to right!)

LinkedIn Workplace Powerpoint Template

With outdated and inconsistent presentation materials, LinkedIn’s Workplace team lacked a branded blueprint of slides. I had created a turn key Powerpoint template containing font, instructions, and sample layouts. Saving time and frustration, the ease of drag-and-drop placeholders and preset text streamlined the staff presentation creation process.

Teams Virtual Backgrounds.png

Teams Virtual Backgrounds

In our new efforts in the digital workspace, I provided visual design feedback and accessibility testing. For inclusivity, I addressed employees limitations such as poor WiFi-connectivity (degradation of image quality as such we increased artwork contrast). My current team’s efforts to create inclusive backgrounds reflects our commitment to creating a safe(r) space for our employees. Designing for all of us begins with design for each of us.


Data Infrastructure & Sharing

As COVID-19 caused LinkedIn office closures and employees to work from home, it also created new efforts to bring them back. The Workplace Experience team was challenged with disseminating the research articles so that other workstreams could draw research-based decisions. I had designed, implemented, and update a SharePoint page featuring the curated articles and a newsletter template sending out weekly digests. Take a look below!

Designed and currently live SharePoint webpage.

Newsletter Creation Process


Conceptualize it.

Starting with a word document template and pasting it into outlook to share articles was the initial discovery phase. We ran into accessibility issues as images were not displaying correctly and at times would distort the layout.

Created initial design concept and tested usability for the team to draft.


Prototype it.

I sought to improve the Workplace Experience team’s usability of my newsletter template. I found and created a wireframe (or prototype) on LinkedIn’s internal communications newsletter platform.

Wireframe designed on the Poppulo newsletter platform for layout and usability testing.


Deliver it.

After conducting usability and user testing to ensure accessibility, the Workplace Experience team sends out weekly digests of the curated articles.

Example of the newsletter that my team sends out on a weekly basis now.


Joele Frank

