
With my free time, I love to further develop my technical knowledge and skills. These are some of the projects in web development and visual design that I have completed outside of my normal “8-5” routine.


Video Production

It has always been a goal to start a YouTube channel. I challenged myself and produced my first video from conceptualizing, scripting, filming, editing, publishing, to marketing. Hopefully you’ll get a good laugh!


School Projects

As an avid believer of continuing education, I had expanded my skillset in web development by returning to school and receiving my Associates of Science in Web Design. With a concentration in Visual Design and UX/UI, I fell in love with with creating engaging content for the end user.

Wish’s Drone Campaign Sample

As part of Wish’s design challenge, I was asked to demonstrate campaign execution. My given topic was to create digital assets for their (prospective) drone delivery capability. As this would allow vendors to ship directly to consumers, I was tasked to focus on creating animations to appeal to their base.

Animated GIF

Using my vector assets, I created a looping GIF as an additional deliverable in the use case that it would be leveraged in an email or digital medium.


Looping Animation

Intended on social media platforms, I created a 10-second animation that can be auto-played and seamlessly looped. It also gives the campaign’s 3 selling points.

SVG with Animated CSS

To demonstrate my HTML and CSS knowledge, I took the illustration and coded it with CSS animations to create a hover-state and rotating propeller blades.


American Diabetes Association

